Monday Motivation: Sweat, Achieve, Succeed!

You are so worth it. Stay strong!

Guess what? You have a brand new week ahead of you to slay dragons, achieve goals, sweat more, gripe less and ditch the fear! 

Think you can handle it? I know you can! 💜

Overcoming your fear and going outside of your comfort zone are two big steps that will catapult you toward achieving your goals. But just reaching goals won’t make you happy. You have to stay positive, gripe less, and be thankful more. Whatever dragons you face, face them head on!

My focus this week isn’t just sweating more, but clearing my mind and finding inner peace. I really want to get into meditating and hope anyone that has suggestions on books to read on this topic will put the title in the comments below. Here’s to a happy and healthy, dragon slaying, fearless and sweaty week! 💪